She is in charge of the money. She will send you a contract and expects you to read and understand the contract before you sign it. You are signing a contract for representation and are not represented until the contract is signed and the retainer is paid. She runs all the numbers. She pays all the bills. She is Team Lacey on the a/c debate (sorry, Ashley). She is the mama of the sweetest boy. She will smash your face in at a live show with her band, Like Daggers. She plays more musical instruments than most human beings. She is the boss, and will not tolerate any of your shit.
Self-checkout lanes have become a convenient option for shoppers across Tennessee, including in Nashville. However, while these machines offer a quicker way to pay, they also come with risks—especially the potential for shoplifting accusations. Eve ...
Facing aggravated assault charges with a deadly weapon in Tennessee can have severe consequences, including prison time, fines, and other legal repercussions. This guide outlines the key points to help you understand what these charges entail and wha ...